Credit card misuse is extremely widespread. In fact, due to the effortlessness with which they can be used and the high percentage of interest they charge, they are the number one reason people find themselves in debt. This is especially true due to the fact that you begin to pay interest in the very moment you make a purchase. Add to that a missed payment and you are in big trouble. It is absolutely necessary to be strict with your finances or even consider counseling.
What many people don't know is that you can make payments on you credit card more frequently than on a monthly basis. It is possible to make a payment whenever you like. It is recommended to make frequent payments, with weekly payments being a good idea. Not only will this prevent interest from piling up, but it will be much simpler to make several small payments instead of one large one.
If you find yourself in a financial emergency due to your credit card spending, however, there are organizations that can help. One of the many such non-profit organizations that exist in many parts of the US is the Consumer Counseling Centre of America, known as the CCCA. They can help you resolve unsecured debts such as those incurred with credit cards.
Organizations such as the CCCA are not the same from a consolidation loan agency. The CCCA will merely help you consolidate your debt and receive lower interest rates. They won't loan you money.
You must pay the CCCA a stipulated amount each month and they will take care of paying several of your creditors with the money. These programs will help you to relax, knowing your debts are being cared for.
You are also benefitted in that you are sure your payments are being made regularly, on time, thus getting creditors off your back. You will also avoid late fees as all of the payments are being made by someone else.
If your request for a debt consolidation loan is not approved, don't be angry. It's important to understand that debt such as credit card debt is unsecured, meaning there is nothing of value backing it. The only way to receive such a loan is to present one of your possessions as collateral, like your home. This isn't recommended, however, as there is always the possibility of losing your home.
Once again, the best plan for getting yourself out of an economic emergency due to credit card spending is to exercise spending restraint and get credit counseling.
How would you like to find some extra cash to help wipe out credit card debt this month? Visit the Debt Reduction Academy website, where you can claim your free 5 day mini course "Operation Money-Find: How To Find Money To Start Paying Off Your Debt This Month". Go get your copy now at
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