Simply put these managers arrange money to be lent to businesses or private individuals using either money already available from company accounts or from external lenders. The term optimization is used to explain the procedure whereby finance is maximized by reducing costs and increasing the return. The lives of almost everyone on this planet revolve around finance and when poor management occurs, the effects are seen globally with reductions in production and sales which obviously feed world markets. That is why, a fund managers job is stressful as they must be careful where they allocate their funds and the potential risk involved thereafter.
It has been said by a number of people that finance managers can often be ‘time' short sighted as they rarely look a the long term ‘bigger picture'. Finance managers are people who always like to see where they have been and do not look towards the future in the same way that a sales manager does. Some problems arise for the number of businesses that arrange loans and then use them for personal reasons, forgetting that this clearly defined barrier exists. Managers are rarely impressed with this situation as they believe they have aright to know what their money is being used for.
Although resisting the tendency to use funds this way may dampen someone's enthusiasm in the short term, it will focus the attention of the borrower and perhaps instill more discipline in the future. However, small businesses can finance their needs from other sources like friends or from banks and private lenders. Obviously the more finance that is provided by outside sources the more it ignites the profitability of the lender. A famous quote about banks goes something like; banks are only interested and willing to lend money to those individuals that least need or want it.
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