Your credit score needs to be improved, so you can for cars, houses are approved, and other things you want to buy. But not many of us take seriously the fact that how we handle money affects our every day
financial life as a whole. So if you looking for an improved financial result and an improved quality of life credit score, you start with such good financial practices, so you have more money to pay your debts and
the protection of the past efforts you exertedRaising your credit score.
6. Buy used or at reduced prices. Are things that are sold at retail prices, it costs more than the things used, or those sold at discounted prices. If you have a textbook, a series of fancy jewelry or figurines, buy buy
from garage sales, sales or Ebay shop, which sells a variety of things, more than half the retail price.
7. Keep track of how your money every day and replace them with cheaper alternatives. Every day we are inclined to spend on little thingsthat up to revel without our knowing it our budget. And we do not even notice it
it because they already a part of our routine. But if we stop and analyze how much they cost in a month or a year, we recognize that they cost much, and yet could have been avoided if we replace
it with cheaper alternatives.
For example, if you buy a coffee every day before work, it will cost $ 1. Not much, one might say. And if you buy a slice of pizza, it will also cost approximately $ 1 again. Not muchagain, as it seems. But if you think about it
how much it costs, it is a round of $ 60 per month or $ 720 per year, may be what a lot would be. The same goes for other things that you buy without thinking that you do not believe that cost a fortune: newspapers, lunch is on the fast-food chains, unnecessary phone calls or text messages from your mobile phone, etc. All these added together if, lead to significant savings achieved if you avoid them or replace them with cheaper alternatives.
For one week, a record of all the things youpurchased and how much. They are to be surprised where your money goes, no matter how small an expense. After a week to analyze the things that cost alternatives can be replaced. For example, if you always buy your lunch outdoors, bring a homemade lunch from now on.
8. Prepare a contingency plan. While this is not something every day, preparing a plan in the event of a disaster is a way to be sure to save your money and you take control of your finances. In the eventsomeone is sick or is there a natural disaster, this would mean you have to spend lots of money to help the people involved. If you are not prepared, you will end up with all the money in your bank account and asked for claims of creditors.
An emergency plan should you liquidate a list of the assets, the savings in your bank account, insurance, you can use an attorney who can help you and loan you can again increase. Ask your employer
if there is a certain financial package that youcan take advantage of emergencies.
9. Check your credit card made. Credit cards are the fastest way to create a debt. If you have a credit card that you know how easy it is to use it is and how hard it is to pay off your debts later, especially if
they are too big and your salary is insufficient to support them. The best way to avoid credit card debt, is not with your credit card at all. Have your credit cards at home if you are, so you do not
somethingTear in your wallet if you want to buy something from impulse.
10. Avoid situations that w Finally, promoting the environment in which we live we buy it, through advertising and transactions
around us. So the money to avoid the spending, you should avoid instances, situations and places that you spend your money or you can order now encouraged. Do not go to the shops, if there is no reason. Do not read catalog to see infomercials or visit online shops. Do not watch TV shows that feature the latest trends orGadgets, or anything that does what you want to buy. If you do not feel the feeling you wanted less likely to waste your money.