Have you ever noticed that when a millionaire, his money, they usually they have again in a Veral years he has lost everything lost. Two years later he had them all back and more. What was hisvery short time? Why is this so? Donald Trump is a good example. S secret? Although he lost everything, he did not lose the most important ingredient to success, which is his spirit. Do you think that Donald Trump to be happy, just one million would have dollars. I do not thinkso. He was poor feel. The reason is that its financial thermostat is set for billions, and he will not settle for less than that. Many of us have our financial thermostat set for thousands of not millions, not hundreds of thousands, and some people have set their thermostats below zero.
What determines where our financial thermostat is set? Explained in the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, T. Harv Eker, that they come from our"inner world". If we get our internal mixing with the outer game strategies, results, people who wear them through the roof.
Most people do not realize their full potential. They never be financially free as they want and say a lot of people will never be truly happy. The reason is that most of us unconsciously to live on only in the physical world, the world we see. But we now live in four different worlds at once. We live in our inner worlds - mental, emotional andspiritually. These are our roots. The outside world - the physical or material world are actually source our fruits or results. The physical world is an expression of the other three. Just like a fruit tree, it's the roots that are grown in the ground that the fruits that lie on the ground to create. If we do not like the fruits of our lives, then the roots are the solution.
In order to clarify what is in the outside world the result. Wealth is the result. Poverty is an outcome. Health is the result.Disease is the result. Friends are the result. Loneliness is a result. Whatever you do in your life is the result of your inner world. The only way to permanently change your results is to change your mind. In order for any of us really build a successful life, it's an inside job!