วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Financial Planning If you have children

Last night I was again reminded about my life and priorities, how easy it is to get out of balance when one area of life steals our focus and stressful (even if we do not immediately recognize it as stress).

I took my daughter to bed and once again my adult activities - in this case a combination of business, tax and general household cleanup Organization (multi-tasking, of course, again). A short time later there was the child's "mama" Call fromup. My first thought was that she could not sleep and maybe I would just say they fall asleep again, or my husband, who was close at hand ask, whatever it was that it is needed - I did not want to have my Business focus interrupted, which was important after all.

The next call "Mom" quickly became clear to me that was not one of those "I can not sleep 'calls. I left my shop and ran up the stairs to find that I was eight years old vomit. MyCompany is now my mom has changed and it remained so for the next few days. All night and next day I sat with my daughter's visit to the struggles of illness, carried her into the bathroom, moving, with temperatures that her fluids, medicine and all the comfort you need when you are sick.

I had planned meetings and business, but without even thinking, I moved my appointments and re-shuffled my schedule to be there for mymaternal duties. My husband did the same and between the two of us and some understanding of customers and helpful family and friends, we will get through the few days of political change.

If this sounds like it's all too dramatic and not necessary for a child with a severe flu - or in some way in our family we do not value our cause not enough that we would drop everything for a sick child, let me ask Who is a parent, how well they work when their child is sick,injured or otherwise in any trouble? And who of us can even days on very few hours of sleep function? I am not aware of anyone, when asked what their needs are most important in his life was in any way their relationship with other people at the most - especially relationships with friends and family, especially children. But in everyday life we often have to push our day to sacrifice our own health and more time to our workObligations as our relations (children or otherwise).

In life there will always be things that unexpectedly come to steal our focus and direct our attention. Few, however, have the opportunity to our life as dramatic as some implications of a loved occurs. In my case this time would be if the situation gets serious, or runs the company, which will need to move so easily treated, or it would be right at the beginning episodes. Then we would begin tounder stress in a different way.

Although we are not in a position to the events in life that we look at everything and fall with the situation at hand require control, we can learn to look at the important areas and the people in our lives when we make decisions . There are obvious time-management decisions about where our time throughout the day and week - at work, with friends, family, children, or on our lives. But even from a financial point of view of planning, there are so manySystems, policies and programs that involve our relationships and our life priorities.

Given the consequences of sick children, there is clearly a plan, the needs in this area needs to be done. Sufficient cash reserves, so we take time off from work and life for our children to us with cash offer to take your time to mourn, if ever necessary which have become two examples. In a previous article entitled "The financial impact of emotional trauma," manyThese issues were discussed. You can read it on http://www.moneyminding.com.

There be many other areas of financial services, but so important is, or may give the direction, if we recall our life priorities, in planning. Help our children get a head start on their own through the financing of education, business, investment, a first home, etc. are often discussed only in terms of education savings plans, or in tax planning discussions with higher incomesFamilies. Similarly, an estate planning, preparation will, power of attorneys, etc., often a part of the discussions with older people. Yet, trusts, income splitting, estate planning, tax planning, to help our children become financially independent, insurance and other financial strategies for anyone at any age. Often they will make no sense to place certain long life or financial developments. But if we do our planning with our top priorities in lifeSpirit, we are probably the strategies that could be missed leading to better results because we ask not to think too. We do not need to wait until we have a certain age, income, assets, or a special event in the life experience to reach before we professional advisors, what financial strategies, systems begin to ask, and programs that we need to check to to meet our needs now and in the future, given our lives and focus on priorities.

If some of the above conditions areis new to you, or are known but you have not taken them in your plans, or thought they were not important, would apply to your situation now as good as any time to start asking some questions. What is your top priority to life and what financial systems are important to consider to ensure your life's priorities and to achieve the best possible results - to receive now and in the future?


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