There are times when you may be available to persons charged or paid for a holder for your account. This practice allows you more control, especially in cases where there is a risk that customers may not opt to pay you if you say what they want to tell you. It also allows you to have good cash flow balance, while reducing your debts.
There are several things you need to do about the financial supporters:
1. Make sure thatamong followers allowed by your regulatory authority - Attorneys normally followers to future Customer Service under one roof and the cost of photocopying and filing. The balance is used, they ask the customer to top-up balance "of the holder. Not all professional bodies allow you to have a follower of your customers, and you must therefore ensure that you do so before continuing.
2. Keep excellent records - Make sure that you all the time and costs, which are document processingthe bracket used. I find that sending invoices to customers, as they occur, helps them understand how to use and when the money.
3. Do you know require restrictions - some laws that hold followers in a separate account or procedures that protect against this money will be used incorrectly. Contact your supervisor and auditor them.
4. Advance notice to customers or third party payers regarding the need for additional resources. I amWorking with a client whose fees are paid by a holder by her lawyer. After each appointment, I will send an invoice to the lawyer and the balance on account. Before the account is exhausted, I advise the attorney of the need to "top up" the account. This allows the necessary time for her office to prepare and mail a check to me before the owner is away.
5. Return all its assets, if the work is done - it is important to your reputation that you have all balances, a returnAfter your customers or clients need to be achieved. However, I think that you have a discussion with the parties before cutting a check to ensure that your work is done, and then document the conversation. In order to avoid risk and embarrassment, you should be asked to provide additional benefits have been processed after the refund.
There are many times that I wish I had taken a retainer - especially in child custody and access cases. It's much easier to do this than have to go toSmall Claims Court in an attempt to collect unpaid fees. You can concentrate better on the process and needs of the customer, if you do not have to pay for services.